Tuesday, April 9, 2013

 This is my page for Marcia's 'Unintentional Collections' sketchbook.

These are some of the eggs I seem to have collected over the years.

Left to right they are: blue and white ceramic, marble, hen's egg painted with inks, hen's egg painted with inks, ceramic egg.
Many years ago I used to decorate real eggs (after blowing out the contents and sealing the hole with wax). I then painted and scratched any design I fancied using drawing inks and then applying a spray varnish. My inspiration was batik decorated Ukrainian eggs but I developed my own method and each design was different. The fish and flower patterned eggs are the last two that remain. I also used to hardboil and dye eggs with onion skins for delicately patterned Easter Eggs.
People have added to my collection with ceramic, wooden and marble eggs over the years.


  1. The best thing will be to hold my book with your lovely drawing in it. The second best thing would be to hold each of these beauties in my hand!

  2. Marcia,thank you for your lovely comment :)

  3. Marcia's book is now on its way to Moscow!

  4. I made some Ukranian Easter Eggs one spring. None of them survived the test of time for me though.
    Rosie, I mailed your book last week. Have you gotten it? Soon all our magical little books will be full and back home.

  5. Hi Katie, good to hear from you and yes my book has just arrived now, thank you :)
